Data Oriented Space Shooter
This game was done using only data oriented programming and the goal was to create a space shooter with performance in mind. In this scene it spawns about 10 000 asteroids prefab I found in the marketplace that can fracture into 100 pieces. After it spawns it moves and rotates, travel to the end of the scene and is replaced by another asteroid.
I think I will keep working on this game just for fun and add a pooling system and more moving parts and see how much it can be improved.
A lot of boilerplate code fitted for my project from tutorials and Unity example projects.

OpenGL Shader
This project was mostly done following guides to learn more about OpenGL programming. It contained diffuse light, multiple direct lights and a simple sphere from blender with a random image from my pc as a texture. It also has basic movements.
It was big challenge going back to more standard c++ and combining it with the OpenGL shader language GLSL but it was fun and it's something I'll dig deeper into in the future.

Linked List Snake
This project was done together with my artist girlfriend. She did all the 2d art and animations while I did the coding. T
he game is a snake inspired game with hazards and without the grid based movement using a linked list for the "snake" body. During this project I learned a lot about design patters and scritable objects and my workflow teaming up with an artist improved a lot.
I also improved my knowledge about data structures by creating my own linked list used handling the body.

Console App Wordle
The first thing game I created using C++. It's a Wordle clone running in the console. It loads a text document with about 10 000 words, pick one random and follows the standard Wordle rules.
I wanted to create something by not using google to create the game loop. It was a good intro to c++ and I learned a lot by having to split all the bigger tasks down to smaller tasks that even a beginner could handle.

Lizzard Wizzard
Lizzard Wizzard was an awesome group assignment we did during our network course. I teamed up with 3 other programmers and we created a 6 player online game in Unity.
It was fun trying out multiplayer in Unity and working with shaders and material property blocks. I used a simple hexagon from blender to generate a whole grid. Each time the map shrinks it will check what tiles are outside the range and change the colors using GPU instancing and a lerp to give a sense of urgency. After a delay they will go dark and cause the player damage.
I also did the effects for projectile, stun and the deflect ability and made sure everything was synced for all clients. We only had a couple of days so much could be improved but it was overall a great learning experience.